12 valli, 400km di sentieri: Claw, Gully & Schley nelle Dolomiti


Nel 2019 Geoff Gulevich, Richie Schley e Darren Berrecloth si sono ritrovati nelle Dolomiti per esplorarle, senza disdegnare gli impianti di risalita, che ora trasportano anche le bici. Qui trovate una lista dei sentieri, degli impianti e dei loro costi.

I panorami moozzafiato non mancano.

Grazie a dolomitisuperski.com hanno usufruito del ‘Dolomiti Super Summer’ per accedere ad oltre 100 impianti di risalita in 12 valli con 400km di trail, uno dei comprensori più grandi al mondo.

‘The dolomites are a place that seems somewhat surreal, the mountains are insanely beautiful and unique, the culture and locals are on point. The riding there is actually improving greatly year by year and already has some of the best terrain and trails I’ve ridden in Europe. 

Absolutely love the place and can’t wait to go back!’ – Darren Berrecloth
‘The Dolomites for me are one of the most interesting mountain ranges I have played in. With the high Alpine looking like a desert and the lifts taking you anywhere you can imagine, its an outdoor mountain fantasy. Not too mention the Italian cuisine mixed in to the whole recipe.’ – Richie Schley
‘I am in love with the diverse terrain, beautiful views and the accessibility the Dolomites has to offer. You could ride there for twenty years and still discover new areas to ride and hike. Can’t wait to go back!’ – Geoff Gulevich
La stagione 2020 è iniziata questa settimana.
Photos/Video: Ale Di Lullo – www.aledilullo.com

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