UWHK Limited acquisisce Niner

Ancora vicende di acquisizioni di marchi del settore MTB da parte di grandi holding. Questa volta tocca a Niner Bikes che è stata rilevata da UWHK Limited, precedentemente conosciuta come Emersion International. UWHK Ltd. è una holding globale di marchi del mondo outdoor, costola della United Wheels. Chris Sugai, ex presidente di Niner, resterà alla guida del marchio del Colorado in qualità di CEO.  L’intento dell’acquisizione, da quanto dichiarato, è quello di fornire a Niner i mezzi per poter crescere in termini di prestazioni e di mercato, grazie a un potenziamento del reparto di ricerca e sviluppo e a strategie commerciali maggiormente efficaci.

Il comunicato completo:


(FORT COLLINS, Colo.) March 9, 2018 – UWHK Limited, formerly Emersion International,
announced today it finalized the purchase of Niner Bikes. The acquisition includes an accelerated
global expansion plan for the premium off-road bicycle brand. Niner is expected to gain market
share through independent bicycle dealers and international distribution.
Chris Sugai continues as president of Niner Bikes, located in Fort Collins, Colorado. “We are in-step
with the vision and fast-track global plans for Niner. Our leadership team and culture, which are
synonymous with our brand, will be maintained,” explains Sugai. “UWHK’s support allows the
dedicated team at Niner to keep producing high quality bikes.”
“I got into this business because of my passion for all things cycling and I’m glad we can get back to
making awesome bikes,” adds Sugai. “Supporting riders and giving back to the riding community
will continue.”
UWHK Limited is an investment firm in premium global outdoor brands and a division of United
Wheels Limited. United Wheels is the majority shareholder in Huffy Corporation and owner of
Allite, Inc. and VAAST Bicycles, to be launched later in 2018. Each company, including Niner,
maintains separate operations.
“Acquiring Niner represents important opportunities for UWHK and Niner,” states Bruno Maier,
Managing Director of New Business. “With UWHK’s support, Niner can focus on quality off-road
product R & D and effective strategies to maximize gains.”
“UWHK recognizes the short-term and long-term potential of this acquisition. Chris Sugai has the
right team in place to accelerate Niner’s growth and ultimately, to increase global market share”,
continues Maier.
Financial details of the sale were not disclosed.

Niner Bikes

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