Aggiornamenti da Urge Cabo Verde | MTB Mag

Aggiornamenti da Urge Cabo Verde

[Comunicato stampa] News della settimana…

Dal 30 Gennaio partono le aste di Hans Rey, Gt ed Adidas

Rider’s bikes: la trek di Greg Doucende
Ecco le foto della bici con qui correrà Greg. Il telaio sarà messo all’asta alla fine della gara. In fondo trovate un’intervista a Greg.

Lol Racing: per costruire la realtà!
Benoit Maltier, designer e proprietario di Lol spiega il suo coinvolgimento in questa Urge Cabo Verde: trovate l’intervista in fondo.

Notizie giorno dopo giorno
Durante l’evento, il sito diffonderà giornalmente tramite video l’avventura.

Questa è l’intervista a Greg Doucende:

Rider’s Bike: Greg Doucende’s Scratch

Greg Doucende, Trek and Performance Parts have decided this year to offer to the Urge FOR Cabo Verde auctions the frame the rider will use in Cape Verde. A frame that will be a week old but already with a rich history… Few pics of the machine and words for the rider.

> Greg, for your second time taking part in an Urge Event, you’ve decided to go even further in offering to auctions the Trek Scratch frame you’ll be using at the race. A nice collector item! Can you tell us a bit more about this bike?
It’s a bike I built especially for this race. According to the pre-ride checks the Pep’s Spirit team has done, the terrain seems really rocky, that’s why I play it safe with a Scratch and its 170mm travel. Plus the bike still is pretty light (under 14kg) thanks to kits from KCNC, American Classic, Control Tech and Blacx in order to climb easily at the start of the race.

> Trek and Performance Parts, your partners on this Urge Cabo Verde are sensitive to the humanitarian side of this adventure?
Of course, they were really impressed with the funds collected last year with Urge Nepal and supported me straight away for this Urge Cabo Verde.

> Let’s hope this bike will bring you the win! What’s certain is that the winner of the auctions will have in hands a frame with a particular history… Are you proud of helping the Cape Verde children through your sport?
I hope too. In any case, the guy who gets this frame will have a really nice bike with a wonderful story behind… I really hope that through these auctions we will be able to collect at least as much money as last year or more for the kids in Cape Verde. It’s up to you now!

…e quella a Benoit Maltier

Lol Racing: «  To build reality »

We met with Benoît Maltier, founder of Lol Design, for me to talk a bit more about his commitment as a organization partner on this Urge Cabo Verde, through his brand new label: Lol Racing:

> Benoît, with your company Lol Racing, you agreed more than a year ago to be partner of this Urge Cabo Verde, but first of all, can you tell us more about your activities?

B.M: Well, it could be long to describe but I’ll try anyway. I’ve founded LOL Design in December 2008. It’s mainly a design company specialized into high-end custom interior design (lofts, shops, hotels, restaurants…). We’ve also specialized into day nursery interior design. That’s why we launched LOL Kids in 2011 and the development of our own range of eco-friendly furniture children-focused design. LOL Racing was then created to support charity events…

> What did push you to commit your company that much into the Urge Events adventure?

B.M: I’m really passionate about MTB and MX. I’ve been waiting a good while for a humanitarian action LOL Racing could support. And one day, I came across a report about Urge Kenya. It was exactly what I was looking for! I quickly met with the team and I knew that from this day I wouldn’t leave them!!!

> So a human story over all, but also a spirit communion between the way you conceived your work and this new kind of sporting event?

B.M: yes, as you said, it’s a nice human adventure. I like your question because it is indeed a communion. This unusual sporting event is full a common sense. And I think the way I see my work is in the same logic. To build reality.

> Do you see that as a way to communicate while being useful to others?

B.M: Yes, even if communication is not the first goal. This adventure allows me first of all to insist on LOL Design approach, with a good ethics. And the idea to bring a little help to these kids who need it pleases me a lot. It’s sure I’ll let people know around me.

> You design in particular children furniture. In top of the direct financial support you’ve already brought, do you think you can make the most of this trip to Cape Verde to see if you can bring your knowledge in favor of school equipment over there?

B.M: Yes, it was one of the major topics in the first discussions I had with the team. I’m ready to design a customized range and to send it. I’m sure this country will inspire me! But I already have a couple of nice ideas…

> To conclude, you’re happy to go and live for an intense week with this crazy bunch?

B.M: Happy? You think? It’s the first time in my life that I’ll live such an experience. And don’t you think I’m pretty mad myself???

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Nuovo team: GT/360 Degrees Pro Team

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White Style: Sam Pilgrim raddoppia

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