Cape Epic tappa 5 con video e foto

Il diario di gara di Eva Lechner e Nathalie Schneitter arriva al giorno 5.

What a great day out there! The time trial on the epic day 5 suited us just perfect. It was kind of a cross country course, the uphill’s not too long, but technically demanding and the downhill’s for real mountainbikers. Due to the given time penalty we got thrown back in the overall classification from 68 position to 147. Phu, what a luck we still made it in the top 150, so we could have a nice sleep in till 9 o’clock and could start in the last group. Teams started within 25 second intervals and we soon overtook the first team’s. In the 1.27.16 racing today we overtook at least 25 teams which shows for sure that our standing in the overall is not what our performance reflects. Our time was good enough for 46th place in overall today and this in such a great international field. We did a good job, had a perfect teamwork and felt strong. By the way: We put the second ladies team down by almost 10 minutes. Who really deserves the leader jersey?

Qualche altra foto della quinta tappa.

Photo by Gary Perkin/Cape Epic/SPORTZPICS
Photo by Gary Perkin/Cape Epic/SPORTZPICS
Photo by Gary Perkin/Cape Epic/SPORTZPICS
Photo by Sven Martin/Cape Epic/SPORTZPICS
Photo by Karin Schermbrucker/Cape Epic/SPORTZPICS
Photo by Karin Schermbrucker/Cape Epic/SPORTZPICS
Photo by Karin Schermbrucker/Cape Epic/SPORTZPICS


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