Continua la silenziosa guerra tra negozi online e negozi “fisici”. Ultimamente nemmeno più tanto silenziosa. Un’associazione di commercianti spagnola ha dato vita ad un moto di protesta sotto la forma di una lettera aperta a case costruttrici, distributori e negozianti: il nome la dice tutta: Antichainreaction.
Potete leggere la lettera nella lingua che preferite (purchè non sia l’italiano) sul sito:
La pagina facebook invece è:!/pages/Antichainreaction/188237467861325?v=wall
Le difficoltà dei negozianti dovute ai negozi online vengono attribuite non ad internet (cito:”possiamo vendere online rispettando i prezzi”) e nemmeno ai distributori o ai negozi, ma alle riviste che pubblicizzando i negozi online mettono in ombra chi propone gli stessi articoli a prezzi più alti ed ai marchi, che malgrado tutto continuano a rifornire i negozi online.

The magazines..? Yes! By publishing the advert from the low-cost online shop they are not doing any favour to the rest of the adverts from distributors that advertise the same product but at different prices. Because of this many shops and distributors are not advertising any more and as a result the magazines have less income from adverts and are in a critical financial situation, which can cause them to close in the near future.

The brands..? Yes! The brands are perfectly aware of the hard work from distributors to make a brand recognisable and, most importantly, give it prestige so it’s desired by the customers. The brands, knowing this, should never allow to sell their products in a low-cost online shop as this type of shop makes a profit from the hard work of smaller shops. This is unacceptable and we can’t allow it to go on in any way!

L’idea sarebbe quella di mettersi assieme, negozianti e distributori, e convincere i brands a non vendere più ai grandi negozi online.

Can we change this situation?
Yes we can! As a brand you could commit not to sell in this online shop if you really value the hard work that distributors and shops do for your brand. If you don’t do this, the distributor who sells in the big online shop will make larger orders against the interests of the rest of distributors as the products sold through the distributor who supplies to the low-cost online shop will cover the demand in other countries.

At the end, in the best case scenario, the brand sells the same but in a disorganised way and in an unethical commercial attitude towards the small shops. And in the worst case scenario the distributors that aren’t respected will look for new brands and will stop buying your products because the small shops will want to work with brands that don’t allow disloyal competition.

Voi come la pensate? E’ giusto che negozianti e distributori usino tutte le loro forze per impedire che prodotti vengano venduti a così basso prezzo o quella che loro chiamano tutela del prestigio dei marchi cela sono una grande difficoltà di adattarsi ai tempi?

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