Non poteva mancare il video ufficiale della Darkfest 2022, tenutasi in Sudafrica qualche giorno fa. Alzate il volume e godetevi i numeri!
We’re proud to present the DarkFEST 2022 Official Highlights edit. Not only did Sam Reynolds & the crew open up the biggest freeride jumps on the planet to a new generation of riders to push the boundaries in 2022, but for the first time also including a full legendary line up of women who absolutely slayed it! Sit back, ‘crack a monny’ & absorb 17 minutes of pure freeride bliss with all the bangers & slams in their entirety!
Featured Riders: Sam Reynolds, Clemens Kaudela, Adolf Silva, Ike Klaassen, Theo Erlangsen, Sam Hodgson, Ethan Nell, Cam Zink, Kade Edwards, Kaos Seagrave, Bienvenido Aguado, Nicholi Rogatkin, Szymon Godziek, Brendan Fairclough, Daniel Ruso, Elias Ruso, Tom Isted, Vincent Tupin, Reed Boggs, Matt MacDuff, Daryl Brown, Andrew Neethling, Jack Schliemann, Vero Sandler, Casey Brown, Hannah Bergemann, Chelsea Kimball & Robin Goomes.
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