[Video] The Syncronicles


Rob’s new film is a story about the 3year restoration of his old Syncro van and a roadtrip he did last fall through the western alps along the old military crest roads to find some new, remote trailriding spots for his Spectral CF.

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The T3 Syncro during it’s transformation from rusty old military van to almost modern 4×4 go anywhere car.

Almost every part was detached and cleaned or replaced by new solid material.

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Every single screw got replaced.

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Rust and corrosion have done a lot more damage than expected.

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Long hours and nights at the workshop.

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What can’t be bought needs to be handcrafted.

Terre Noir or black Sands is only one of the perfect riding spots to be found along the border crest road between France and Italy.

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[Video] Destination Trail: Sochi

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[Video] Spoke Tales: Mile High Comeback – Aspen EWS – Ep.9

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