[Bike Check] Brett Rheeder’s Real Tree Camo Trek Session

Trek usually goes all out with their C3 project custom paint jobs most of the year, but Rampage is even more over the top. For last year’s winner Brett Rheeder, they dipped his bike in Real Tree camo, even down to the bolts in his fork crowns! Have a look…


All custom everything…

Fork crowns, lowers, caps and stem bolts have all been dipped…

Full Shimano Saint, HT pedals, Profile hubs and We Are One carbon rims wrapped in Maxxis rubber.

A menacing front end…

Small block cassette on the Saint drivetrain with a Shimano chainguide.

Dipped caps on the fork and a Title direct mount stem…Title is Brett’s component brand.

Brett also has a saddle, carbon seatpost and clamp in the works with Title…We don’t have much in the way of details yet.

Gotta get your last name in there when you won last year.

Even the Profile hub shells are dipped.

Fox Float X2 out back with LOADS of pressure in it.

That’s all she wrote…

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