Danny Hart and Ragot on MS Mondraker | MTB-MAG.COM

Danny Hart and Ragot on MS Mondraker


During the presentation of the Mondraker Summum Carbon at La Fenasosa bike park(Spain), we were in the company of MS Mondraker team, which for the 2015 season has expanded it’s roster of athletes. Alongside Markus Pekoll and Innes Graham, two world champions will be hoping to take the new Carbon Summum Pro Team to the top step.

2014-10-28 Mondraker Press
Photo: Mondraker

Emmeline Ragot returns to MS Mondraker after spending two years with Lapierre Gravity Republic, while the big news is the entry of Danny Hart, who along with Markus and Innes was present at the press camp of La Fenasosa.

We asked Danny Hart to talk about his new Mondraker Summum Pro Team Carbon and his goals for the 2015 season:

2014-10-28 Mondraker Press
Photo: Mondraker
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