Eye of the storm

I wanted to express the stress I felt when Covid came close to home. The distant threat of the spread seemed like it would never effect us, but when it did I felt so privileged to have a sport to escape the downpour of awful global news and local anxieties. I am sure that riding has come as a necessity for many, but I still hope this film can inspire some to disconnect even for a ride, and to appreciate this very special sport during these times – Tristan Deggan

YouTube video

Covid 19 has effected each and every one of us to a certain degree. I count myself lucky to live and work in an area where I was able to keep accessing my local trails, and pick away at some build projects. Shooting this video with Tristan (from a safe social
distance!) and building trails was my way of coping with everything. Hope everyone enjoys the video, we had a great time making it!


I’d also like to give a shout out to “Dangerous Dan” Cowan for building most of the trails on Bowen, it wouldn’t be the same place to ride without him. A big thanks to NF for keeping me rolling on awesome locally made gear all season long! And another big thanks to @dunbarcycles and @santacruzbicyles for all my bike and mechanical needs! – Jay Boysen

Video and photos produced by: tristandeggan_mtb
Rider: jayboysen
Brought to you by: ride_nf


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