OneUp Components EDC Tubeless Plug | MTB-MAG.COM

OneUp Components EDC Tubeless Plug


Fix a Flat in Under a Minute

With The OneUp Components Plug & Plier Kit

Fixing flat tires sucks. If you don’t carry tubeless plugs, you should. They can save your ride!

Everyone in the OneUp office has used their plug kit at least once this season to fix a flat out on the trails. It’s now a must have for us on every ride.

Double Downs and a Huck Norris will only get you so far.

If you’ve never used a tubeless plug before, check out the video below.

The new Plug & Plier Kit contains a Tubeless Plug Kit (Jabber tool and 15 Tire Plugs) and Quick Link Pliers for 10,11 and 12 speed chains. The kit fits rattle free, inside the EDC stash capsule and weighs just 17g.

$35 USD / $45 CAD / €31.50 / £28

The OneUp EDC Tool can be stored in your bike’s steerer tube, or inside a OneUp 100cc EDC Pump. Lightweight and instantly accessible, it has everything you need for almost any trailside repair.

Available now at and at good bike shops worldwide.

How to Fix a Tubeless Flat in Under a Minute

1. Install the OneUp Jabber into your EDC Tool

2. Load the Jabber with 2 tubeless plugs. (Using 2 plugs gives you the best chance of fixing a puncture fast)

3. Reassemble the stash capsule and put your tool back in your fork. (The Tubeless Plug Kit also fits inside both the 100cc and 70cc EDC Pumps. The Pliers do not fit inside the 70cc Pump)

The next time you get a flat:

1. Grab your EDC tool, jump off your bike and find the hole as fast as possible. The quicker you plug the hole the less pressure you’ll lose and the less you’ll need to pump your tire back up

2. Stab the tubeless plug into the hole and leave about 5mm of plug outside of your tire

3. Hold the plugs on the tire and pull out the Jabber. Push the tail ends of the plugs in to the tire to seal it some more. Now you’re done plugging the hole

4. Grab your pump and reinflate your tire to the desired pressure. Hop back on your bike and finish your ride or race run

5. After your ride it is a good idea to trim the plugs back to flush with your tire tread. This will prevent the plug from being pulled out when you’re next riding

It’s worth practicing plugging a hole at home on an old tire before you need to do it on trail in a rush.

The OneUp EDC Tool is used by the world’s fastest riders including
Richie Rude, Sam Hill and Martin Maes.

More info at: OneUp


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