[Rampage] Camp life with Kyle Strait | MTB-MAG.COM

[Rampage] Camp life with Kyle Strait


The last two years that I’ve shot Rampage, Kyle has stayed with his dig crew at the RV campground right by the site with his dig crew. This year is no different. Kyle and his boys were hospitable enough to have me over for a few beers and dinner a couple nights ago. This is their setup.

Welcome to Camp Lyle – make sure you take your shoes off at the door.


Slim getting down on the cooking.


Tight quarters and a lid that won Rampage last year.


Griz getting that critical component. HOT SAUCE.


Slim and Griz taste testing some grub.




Kyle cruising in to do some quality control.


Or maybe he came in to grab a beer.






Thanks for having us boys!

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