[Gallery] Schurter And Neff Win 2015 XC World Cup | MTB-MAG.COM

[Gallery] Schurter And Neff Win 2015 XC World Cup




Fantastic season for Nino Schurter that, for the third consecutive time, passes Julien Absalon during the last lap, after the Frenchman has tried to get rid of him a couple of times with full-power uphills on the Val di Sole track. Nino wins his 17th Worldcup race – like his team manager Thomas Frischknecht – and the 2015 cross country world cup.

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Florian Vogel finishes third. He tried to keep the pace of the “usual suspects”, but during the last uphill he had to let them go. Great season for him too, though.


Kuhlavy seems to have found back his great shape, ready to attack the world championships that will take place in Andorra in two weeks. Marco Aurelio Fontana, pushed by the Italian fans, reaches his best 2015 result, finishing 8th. His team mate Manuel Fumic hasn’t a great day, only 12th after his great performance in Windham.

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Full results.


Jolanda Neff wins the overall 2015, even if she has to leave the day victory to a surprising Annika Langvad, even more surprising if you think that the Danish won Leadville 100 (Colorado) with a killing time just one week ago.

Full results.


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