[Sea Otter] E.13 Components



E.13 have also been busy with the aftermarket cassette development. While all they had to show was a semi crude prototype, we do know that it’s 9-42T, ten speed and two pieces. The lower block is one piece steel, the upper is one piece aluminum.


Perhaps the coolest part about the e.13 cassette is that while it doesn’t GO TO 11(shameless Spinal Tap reference) – it does go DOWN to nine unlike most other manufacturers. The fact that it’s steel means that it should actually hold up pretty well.

Price, weigtht and release date are to be determined.
Hate fussing with little washers when spacing your chain guide? E.13 has a brilliant solution. As you can see here it comes in multiple widths. Surely you can stack them as well.
Again, brilliant. It even has a tab to help pop it into place.
New Carbon boomerang.
Tool free clasp for opening the upper guide block
Perhaps the most promising looking valves we’ve ever seen. They will be truly universal. Instead of fussing with a little knurled lock ring, these are two piece aluminum and you can grip the inner bit with a 4mm allen key. GENIUS.
New Carbon fiber cranks. We don’t know much, but they are light and stiff. These are protos. The visible aluminum bits will likely be black anodized for production.


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