[Video] Cam McCaul - Freeride Playground | MTB-MAG.COM

[Video] Cam McCaul – Freeride Playground

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“iiitttt’ssss aaaalllliiiivvvve…. Our favorite booter in our favorite desert stash needed some rebuilding. In all honesty, this jump needed more than TLC, it felt abandoned. It needed company. Dusty Wygle and I built this 52 foot long booter for a video back in 2017. We got a shot each on it and then abandoned it for 3 years. That’s messed up. With travel plans canceled, we figured this is the right time to revive our playground so we can enjoy it this summer. This is just one of the many hits in our freeride playground so hopefully we can revive them all. Drew Barber joined us for the dig session, and in 3 days from right now, we’re all heading back out there to camp and session the creation. So don’t go away because the next video is coming soon. Well, you can go away, but just make sure to come back. Oh, I have an idea… if you subscribe, you won’t miss a thing. Yeah that’s the right plan for sure. Here’s the deal, you subscribe and then we’ll make another video. If you hold up your end of the bargain, we’ll hold up ours. DEAL! (cyber-handshake) Ok, thanks for watching, more coming soon.” -Cam McCaul

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