[Video] Cam McCaul – Perfect Chutes & Huge Crashes

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A good desert zone… is there anything better? Maybe.. but I doubt it. Henry Lanman ( @hendotb14 ) pioneered this zone called “The Goblin.” He built a line top to bottom and was rad enough to have a group of us out to ride it together. Sometimes that perfect pedological anomaly we affectionately refer to as “popcorn dirt” can inspire a case of SOD (symptomatic overzealous disorder.) Soo… in this video, look out for two things: Euphoric enjoyment of the popcorn dirt that lines these perfect chutes, but also prepare to cringe when said dirt inspires a little bit too much confidence. When all was said and done everyone was still smiling and everyone was able to get out of the zone before dark and in one piece. Also, get a little BTS look at what goes on during a MTB photo shoot with professional photographer Tyler Roemer (@tylerroemer). -Cam

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