[Video] Hyper MTB - Crankworx | MTB-MAG.COM

[Video] Hyper MTB – Crankworx

Crankworx is done and dusted, and there’s been many recap videos of the legendary annual Whistler event, yet this one caught our eye. Hyper first jumped into the industry spotlight when they signed Cam Zink, and put Eric Carter in charge of the program. After a short and not especially good ending, Zink parted ways with the brand and likewise did Carter. Now after a short hiatus, Hyper is here again, Eric Carter is back on board, and they’ve signed style cat and all around talented athlete Bas Van Steenbergen. Bas has been on various bikes all year, learning what suits his style and putting the information into developing the new Hyper DH frame. It seems the new bike is out and looking good, and can withstand the destruction of the Whistler bike park.

Credit: Hyper Bicycles 

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