[Video] Jake100 – SUR//REAL

When we entered the first lockdown here in the UK, I knew that I had to use the permitted time outside to continue doing what I love, riding my bike. The first time I hit the streets at night I couldn’t believe what I was seeing. It was still London, the buildings were there, the lights were on, but the people were missing. There none of that London buzz, it was absolutely surreal.


I instantly knew I had to somehow document this but the challenge was how? I didn’t want to add to the situation, so I knew this had to be a responsibly distanced two-man project. I sketched a plan, rang up my mate and brilliant videographer, Send It Brad, and together formed a plan. We spent every night filming on the empty streets of London two hours at a time for the next four weeks.

I am extremely proud of how it turned out and how we managed to pull this together with all the restrictions and challenges we faced along the way. While it’s cool to look back on this project, I do, however, hope that I never have to see London like this again.

Surreal was shot over a month-long period during the 2020 lockdown in London by myself and ‘Send It Brad‘ in accordance with the relevant health and safety guidelines and under strict compliance of the rules in effect during that time.

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