[Gallery] Una giornata con il GT Factory Racing Team | MTB Mag
Wyn loves to spend time on his back wheel

[Gallery] Una giornata con il GT Factory Racing Team


Durante il camp del GT Factory Racing Team, tenutosi la scorsa settimana nel sud della California, abbiamo dedicato una giornata a fotografare i pro rider nel loro elemento. Eccovi dunque Brook MacDonald, Sam Dale, Wyn Masters, Martin Maes e Jackson Frew.

Four out of five...Where's Wyn?
4 su 5. Dov’è Wyn?
Sam Dale getting a little bit of last minute bike prep in.
Sam Dale fa gli ultimi preparativi sulla sua bici.
Dropping in. Wyn pulling Brook through the first few turns.
Wyn davanti a Brook nelle prime curve.
Wyn getting comfortable and up to speed right away.
Wyn prende velocità.
Despite a wet winter, it's still quite dry in California.
Sentieri polverosi in California, malgrado la pioggia del Nino.
A freaky perspective of Sam Dale coming right at us. Sam is not small and we wouldn't want to be run over by him.
Sam Dale coming right at us.
One of the reasons that Martin Maes is so fast is that he rides his Sanction ALL the time. Even on burly DH tracks. He keeps up with the others just fine.
Uno dei motivi per cui Martin Maes è così veloce sta nel fatto che gira SEMPRE con la Sanction, anche su tracciati DH.
Brook smasing.
Wyn getting a little sketchy on the way into one of the early turns.
Wyn in contropendenza.
17 year old Jackson Frew is new to the factory team and will likely do big things.
Jackson Frew ha solo 17 anni.
Jackson is stylish as ever...even in the occasional awkward corner.
Jackson è molto stiloso.
Back up for another lap.
Back to the top!
Martin up close and personal.
Martin da vicino.
Brook is always on the gas.
Brook sempre a manetta.
Wyn letting it slide on the edge of a cliff.
Wyn in derapata.
Sam Dale pulls Brook into the last few turns on the track as the sun gets low in the sky.
Sam Dale trascina Brook nelle ultime curve del tracciato.
Wyn setting up.
Wyn in piega.
Wyn keeping it low and fast.
Sempre Wyn.
Jackson airing out to the highline. Plenty of ways to do it.
Jackson in aria.
Brook blasting through Sam's roost.
Brook attraverso la polvere alzata da Sam.
Parting shot : Martin Maes knows how to bash the stuffing out of a turn. He's looking to back up his Sea Otter Dual Slalom win this year.
Martin Maes



Storia precedente

Arrivano le bici da 39 pollici

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Coppa Lazio Enduro 2016

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