10 mesi dopo la brutta notizia riguardante un tumore al cervello, Jared Graves annuncia oggi di aver battuto il cancro. Rimangono ancora gli effetti della chemioterapia, ma dice di tornare in forze giorno dopo giorno.
Questo il suo messaggio su Instagram:
Results in from yesterday’s MRI. Officially cancer free! Now it’s just fully getting over the side effects of chemo which linger a little bit. But Energy levels get better every day. So glad to be past this chapter in my life. It truly puts things in perspective and makes the little things that sometimes stress you out seem so insignificant. Thanks so much for all the amazing support I’ve had from every one of you all. And especially all my awesome sponsors that have stuck with me through the last 10 months. Got a couple new bikes in the process of being built to start getting back to full fitness, which I’ll be able to show off real soon