Doris e Georgy Grogger, gli organizzatori della European Enduro Series, hanno oggi comunicato che quella del 2015 rimarrà probabilmente l’unica stagione del circuito europeo. A fianco delle difficoltà finanziarie vengono citate difficoltà burocratiche a livello assicurativo e di responsabilità in caso di incidenti.
Questo il comunicato ufficiale:
After careful consideration, Trail Solutions made the hard decision to stop organizing events.
On the one hand the economic situation is forcing us to stop organizing events, on the other hand the personal risk as an event-organizer is getting higher and higher and we are not willing to take this risk anymore.
Due to this decision we have to cancel all our events including our the races in Innsbruck as well as the European Enduro Series.
We say THANK YOU to all the participants and partners of the last years: you made each event a SPORT-HIGHLIGHT!
… see you on the trail!
Doris und Georgy Grogger
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