You're probably thinking we forgot about Aggy. Nah - we didn't . He's a monster...first in qualies and hungry today.

[Rampage] Polvere, salti e sangue


Mancano poco più di due ore alle finali della Red Bull Rampage 2015, in diretta qui. Le qualifiche sono costate care a Jeff Herb, Nico Vink e T-Mac, che si sono infortunati più o meno gravemente. Nico Vink si è rotto il piede, Herb si é rotto la gamba con una frattura esposta, mentre T-Mac (qui il suo mega drop) forse ce la farà a partecipare.



R-Dog heading up for his first run.
R-Dog si avvia verso la sua prima discesa
Steezing a drop like this is a good way to make the cut. Congrats on making finals R-Dog. Send it today buddy!
E conquista le finali!
Classic Wil White.
Wil White.
More classic Wil White.
Sempre lui, Wil White.
Kyle Jameson dropping BOMBS! Huge opposite 360.
Kyle Jameson in un opposite 360.
Doerfling charging in his typical big mountain style.
Doerfling a manetta.
Big no hander on the YT sender for Doerfling.
Doerfling no hander sul YT sender
This photo does it no justice. One of the gnarliest lines on the moutain. James Doerfling greased it with a busted and gashed open hand. We're bummed he didn't score higher.
La foto non rende giustizia alla linea pazzesca di Doerfling, percorsa con un gran taglio sulla mano.
Nico and Nick getting the number plates on. Nico joked about how it reminded him of the world cup days.
Nico e Nick mettono su i numeri.
Big dog gear.
Vans, no?
Bernard Kerr missed his first run due to mechanical issues but sent it right down the heart of the mountain like a champ.
Bernard Kerr.
Pierre Edouard Ferry was one of a few who blasted down a pretty burly, mostly natural section. This was heavy.
Pierre Edouard Ferry ha una linea molto tecnica, dritta giù per la montagna.
Tommy G - ridgeline vibes.
Tommy G sul ridge.
Remy Metaillier looking racy.
Remy Metaillier.
Sam Reynolds has cracked some jokes about how gnarly this event is but he's been smiling the whole time.
Sam Reynolds.
Sam is definitely smiling after greasing this massive superman.
Sam diventa superman
Bizet qualified second today. Largely because of this flip.
Bizet e il suo backflip sul canyon gap.
Louis Reboul. Same jump, different lens, different angle.
Louis Reboul, canyon gap.
Rogatkin. 5 minutes after a 40 foot dirt plunge. This kid is quiet and tough - earning his stripes.
Rogatkin. 5 minuti dopo il crash che tutti avete visto.
And one more for R-Dog.
Everyone is pumped to see T-mac come back strong.
Tutti sono contenti di vedere il come back di T-mac.
He definitely came out swinging. 3rd in qualies after greasing this massive drop.
Finirà terzo in qualifica.
As the sun started to set, riders reconvened for practice in the cooler weather.
Al tramonto, i rider hanno ripreso a girare approffittando delle temperature più miti.
Brendog - 1 foot contact patch to land on and about 60 foot drop on his right. World Cup precision. It's insane how non-challant he is.
Brendog – occhio stasera al britannico.
Intern and Semenuk. What a dream team.
Semenuk e il suo praticante.
Brandon clowning down the hill. He wasn't allowed to ride his upper line because the medical staff were all tied up hauling carcasses off the mountain.
Brandon che fa il buffone nella parte bassa del tracciato. Non poteva percorrere quella alta perchè i medici erano occupati a recuperare i feriti.
Sam Reynolds. Made qualies - back up and practicing.
Sam Reynolds.
Jeff Herb - moments before a horrible crash. heal up big guy!
Jeff Herb – qualche momento prima della terribile caduta con frattura esposta. Buona guarigione!
Brendog - big mountain slashing.
And Brendog - making pancakes on big hips.
E ancora Brendog.
That's all she wrote. Tune in in 2 hours.
Questo è quanto, ci si sente fra 2 ore.
You're probably thinking we forgot about Aggy. Nah - we didn't . He's a monster...first in qualies and hungry today.
Credevate veramente che non avessimo foto di Agassiz? Haha.


1 – Graham Agassiz – 89.25
2 – Antoine Bizet – 86
3 – Tyler McCaul – 82
4 – Logan Binggeli – 81
5 – Darren Berrecloth – 80.75
6 – Pierre Edouard Ferry – 80.50
7 – Thomas Genon – 80
8 – Remy Metailler – 79.50
9 – Ryan Howard – 79
10 – Sam Reynolds – 78.75
11 – Bas Van Steenbergen – 78.75​

Non qualificati

12. Conor MacFarlane
13. Brendan Howey
14. Kyle Jameson
15. Bernard Kerr
16. Louis Reboul
17. Nic Pescetto
18. James Doerfling
19. Reece Wallace
20. Anthony Messere
21. Wil White
22. Nicholi Rogatkin
23. Tomas Zejda


– Brandon Semenuk
– Brett Rheeder
– Kyle Norbraten
– Mitch Chubey
– Kurt Sorge
– Brendan Fairclough
– Kelly McGarry
– Szymon Godziek
– Andreu Lacondeguy
– Cam Zink
– Kyle Strait
– Jeff Herbertson
– Paul Basagoitia


Storia precedente

[Video] Le discese di qualifica di Agassiz, Bearclaw e Bizet

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Coppa Lazio Enduro, conclusa la prima edizione

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