Urge Cabo Verde: Mercoledì e Giovedì. Risultati della prima gara | MTB Mag

Urge Cabo Verde: Mercoledì e Giovedì. Risultati della prima gara

[Comunicato stampa]

Prima gara

Uomini :

1 – Jérôme Clementz (Cannondale – Mavic) – France : 33’09
2 – Nicolas Vouilloz (Lapierre) – France : 33’40
3 – René Wildhaber (Trek – Dakine) – Switzerland : 35’54 (-1mn) 34’54*
4 – Fabien Barel (Mondraker) – France : 36’02
5 – Mark Weir (WTB – Fox Racing Shox) – USA : 38’33
6 – Greg Doucende (Performance Parts – Trek) – France : 39’15
7 – Rowan Sorrell (Orange – Mojo) – Wales/UK : 45’06
8 – Hans Rey (GT Bicycles – Adidas) – USA : 47’14
9 – Marco Nicoletti (Niner) – Italy : 50’07
10 – Samuel Normand (Lol Racing – Yeti) – France (non-pro) : 52’30
11 – Sam Peridy (Scott) – France : 53’55

Donne :

1 – Tracy Moseley (Trek World Racing – Osprey) – UK : 46’08
2 – Anka Martin (Santa Cruz – Sram) – RSO/USA : 56’31
3 – Sabrina Jonnier (Groupama – Punch Power) – France : 58’16
4 – Dorothea Lindtke (Rocky Mountain – Brake Authority) – Germany (non-pro) : 1h05’54

* René Wildhaber Si è fermato durante la gara per aiutare Sabrina Jonnier che è caduta, così si è deviso di dargli un bonus si un minuto.

Sven Martin’s PhotoReport
Il primo giorno a Fogo attraverso gli occhi di Sven (trovate altre foto nello stesso album)

Radio reports
Fred Glo
descrive il tracciato dall’arrivo proprio prima che la gara inizi


Marco Nicoletti

dalla cima del vulcano


Rowan Sorrel
dalla cima del vulcano


Grec Douchende
dalla cima del vulcano



[Comunicato stampa]
Report 3° giorno
15 riders… ed un vulcano!

Niente connessione internet dal vulcano, quindi lo “Sven Martin’s Photo journal” sarà ripreso domani…

Mercoledì 9 Febbraio:dopo una prima notte nella caldera di Fogo, i riders sono saltati in sella per una giornata di training e per abituarsi al terreno. Prime cadute, prime paure: non sarà facile avere a che fare con questo fondo…

In generale il morale è alto, il paesaggio è stupendo. Verso le 10 del mattino, la foschia si è diradata ed il sole è puntualmente arrivato.

Il nostro campo base nel cratere è una locanda scavata nella lava in mezzo ai vigneti che crescono sulla caldera… si, dovete sapere che qui producono “vino vulcanico”.

Durante la serata è stata stabilito l’ordine di partenze di giovedì (oggi, ndr):

1 -Anka Martin (Santa Cruz – Sram) – RSO/USA

2 – Mark Weir (WTB – Fox Racing Shox) – USA

3 – Samuel Normand (Lol Racing – Yeti) – France (non-pro)

4 – Greg Doucende (Performance Parts – Trek) – France

5 – Nicolas Vouilloz (Lapierre) – France

6 – Rowan Sorrell (Orange – Mojo) – Wales/UK

7 – Hans Rey (GT Bicycles – Adidas) – USA

8 – Marco Nicoletti (Niner) – Italy

9 – Dorothea Lindtke (Rocky Mountain – Brake Authority) – Germany (non-pro)

10 – Tracy Moseley (Trek World Racing – Osprey) – UK

11 – Sabrina Jonnier (Groupama – Punch Power) – France

12 – Jérôme Clementz (Cannondale – Mavic) – France

13 – René Wildhaber (Trek – Dakine) – Switzerland

14 – Sam Peridy (Scott) – France

15 – Fabien Barel (Mondraker) – France

Giovedì 10 Febbraio: bella atmosfera durante la colazione, ma i riders ono già concentrati… allo 8.00 ora locale partiranno con le loro bici per salire lungo le ripidissime pendici del vulcano, salendo da 1800m a 2800, sulla cima.

Si prevedono da 2 a 3 ore di salita prima che possa cominciare la prima gara, che li porterà vicini al mare con una sezione sulla lava, poi una sezione su una strada per passare attraverso un villaggio e poi un tuffo finale nella giungla, lungo un singletrack! I risultati arriveranno a breve.

Radio del giorno 3:

Fred Glo spiega come sarà la prima gara:


Prime impressioni di Jey Clementz (Cannondale-Mavic)

Prime impressioni di Tracy Moseley (Trek World Racing – Osprey)

Il 3° evento urge per Sam Peridy (Scott)

Lo staff: presentazione dello staff e del suo lavoro

Urge Cabo Verde… the Staff
To make the adventure possible, to organize, to coordinate, to broadcast the information, the Urge Cabo Verde uses a really limited staff.
Including the riders, there are 28 persons composing the team Urge, 25 who will go there and 3 working from France.
Presentation of each of them and their commitments.

> Fabien Barel – South shore bicycles : Inviting and general organization
With his double function as rider and organizer, he takes part in the trip and pays his flights and expenses.

> Emmanuelle Gauzy – Pep’s Spirit : Travel/transfers manager, general organization and logistics
Works for free for 6 months on the logistic aspect. Takes part in the trip and pays his flights and expenses.

> Frederic Glo – South shore bicycles : General and sporting organization manager.
Takes part in the trip and pays his flights and expenses.

> Patrick Cova – Altermondo : Communication and press/partners/NGO relations managers, video editing.
Works for free for 6 months on the communication, stays in France (this time) to coordinate it during the week.

> Christophe Gallo – South shore bicycles : General organization and photographer 3
Takes part in the trip and pays his flights and expenses.

> Benoit Maltier – LOL Racing : Partner sponsor partenaire and cameraman 4 Prod.
Takes part in the trip and pays his flights and expenses.

> André Szpera – Cabo verde bike : Onsite logistical and technical partner
Takes part in the trip, works and offer his services at zero margin.

> Hervé Doulat – 26in : Caméraman 1 Prod + editing
Takes part in the trip and works for free before and after the event. Flights and expenses are covered.

> Cyril Vu Xuan – Genepi film : Cameramanr 2 Prod + editing
Takes part in the trip and works for free before and after the event. Flights and expenses are covered

> Benoît Mudry : Cameraman 3 Prod
Takes part in the trip and works for free. Flights and expenses are covered.

> Sven Martin : Photographer 1
Takes part in the trip, works for free and gives away image rights to the event which will use them for free. Flights and expenses are covered.

> Greg Germain – G2Visions : Photographer 2
Takes part in the trip, works for free and gives away image rights to the event which will use them for free. Flights and expenses are covered.

> Christophe Madeja – AlterMondo : Webmaster
Takes care for free from France of the website and the auctions

> Julien Pruvost – Tribe Sport Group : Translator
Juggles everyday with his job to make sure every news is translated in English.

All this energy and goodwill is aimed towards the same goal: to give birth with the riders and partners to this exceptional adventure, to share it with as many people as possible and to generate as much funds as possible for the charity actions Urge FOR Cabo Verde.

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