La prima giornata di gara della Transprovence 2013 è stata caratterizzata dalla tanta pioggia venuta giù ieri. Jerome Clementz non si è fatto intimidire e ha confermato il suo ottimo stato di forma vincendo la tappa davanti a Lau (vincitore dell’edizione 2012) e Barel.

Barel scrive:
Today, was a unique day of riding. First day of the Transprovence 2013 and straight on rough conditions. The cloud meet us at the top of stage one and stayed with us all morning with a quite heavy rain. The cold, water on the trail get us straight on the pace. The beginning of the 50km ride was starting with hight technicity. I made a mistake on stage 1 crashing and missing one intersection but manage a good ride all day long after that. Stage 2 and 4 were unique enduro ride. Long, technical, physical, all combine for good ride.
The intensity and level of riding is really high for a stage race and we will have to stay focus all the way.
I took the 3rd place behind Jerome Clementz and nicolas Lau. So game is on for a great week of fun!
La classifica dopo il giorno 1.