[Video] Transprovence giorno 4: una prova speciale di 18 minuti | MTB Mag

[Video] Transprovence giorno 4: una prova speciale di 18 minuti

Enduro allo stato puro: ieri i partecipanti alla Transprovence si sono trovati davanti ad una prova speciale che i più veloci hanno percorso in 18 minuti. Non ci sono ricognizioni che tengano, qui è richiesta capacità di guida e di saper leggere il terreno. Lau vince la giornata rosicchiando un misero secondo alla leadership di Clementz.

Il report di Fabien Barel, che è caduto rompendo qualcosa alla ruota posteriore:

We started day 4 straight in the pace with a very intense stage. Physical up top with some blind corners hard to anticipate, the bottom part was rocky with a upper high speed section. Jerome, Nicolas and myself have the exact same time tight In a second… Great to see the unreal racing pace. After a really nice liaison over Roubion ressort we went into a lift area to do 2 short stages into a bike park. A fun moment of the day where everyone could meet up with the group.

Towards the end of the day, we reached an epic summit with a great view over the valley. A 1000 meter drop was waiting us for a really hard ride. Hard navigation, blind switch back, rough terrain all was there. Unfortunately a mechanical followed by a crash stop me in the stage. The rear wheel could not turn so I had to run down carrying the bike to the finish. The unfortunate situation made me lose 4 minutes on the lead.

It for sure will be a hard challenge to catch back but I will do all effort to come back in the game. Tomorrow is the longest day of the week with more than 2000 vertical meter to do in liaison.

Bildschirmfoto 2013-10-03 um 07.53.42



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